Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hey there Internet!

My name is Luca, but you can all call me Joriko! This is my attempt at creating a comic book review blog. With this blog I will be discussing comic books both old and new as well as comic related media such as animated films, television shows, and anything else comic that strikes my interest!

To those of you new to this page thanks for comin' on out and I hope you like what you see. This is my first attempt at blogging so try not to expect too much right away. With time I hope to improve my blog designing skills and create a custom layout and design that will truly reflect my passion for comics. Until then I offer you, the reader, weekly comic book reviews for.......FREE!

That's right! My opinion on the latest comic releases, as well as insight into series YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN! Isn't that fantastic?! Of course, I am not limited to just the contents of my pull list. HELP ME HELP YOU! Go ahead and suggest titles you may be interested in buying but not so sure, or post titles that you really enjoyed and I will give them a try. Any comic reading is good comic reading in my eyes so don't be afraid to share with me and I won't be afraid to share with you.

My current Pull List consists of:

Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors
New Avengers
Batman & Robin
Batman: Streets of Gotham
Batman Inc.
Brightest Day
The Flash (Now in Flashpoint:D)
The Traveler
Soldier Zero
Green Arrow
DC Universe Online: Legends

As well as an extensive shelf full of Graphic Novels that I myself am still catching up on!
Including titles such as:

Walking Dead
Ultimate Spiderman
and much more!

As you can see my reading list is quite a handful sometimes, but I would not have it any other way. So please if you see anything you are interested in, or can throw me some suggestions/questions/comments of your own FEEL FREE! Let's make this blog a place to make it happen!

I plan on following up this written blog with a VLOG Channel on Youtube very very soon, so keep an eye out for that. Same title the "COSMIC COMIC REVIEW".
I plan to do at least 2-3 casts a week, minimum including comic/graphic/manga and movie reviews!

I believe that is everything I wanted to get out on this first post, hope you are still reading this:P.
Until next time, keep readin'!

-Joriko (Luca)

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